Tall Vessels Online Class with Bullseye Glass
A few years ago I made a video with Bullseye Glass in Portland of how I make tall kiln formed glass vessels. I've had many lovely responses over the years of how useful this was and the brilliant work they have created. Bullseye Glass are now running this as a 2-part Live class online. We will watch the video step by step and I will be able to answer any questions about the technique or design. I have recorded two new designs in my studio in Corsock which we will watch live.
The second class will be an overview of the previous class and a chance to ask more questions alongside a gallery of students work to share. It will be hosted by an experienced team in Portland at Bullseye Glass whilst I am live from my studio in Dumfries and Galloway.
The first class is scheduled for July 24 and the second part on 14 August. Please see here for more details and registration.